It is important for us to understand the development of puppies to understand the importance of socialisation.
Here is a brief overview of puppy development from birth - 12 weeks old.

Your puppy’s socialisation tick list
Use this list as a starting point and adapt it to suit you and your puppy’s needs. Make sure that your puppy experiences these places, people, things and activities in a positive way and that it is regularly exposed to them up to 6 months of age.
People and animals to meet
Elderley People
People wearing glasses
People wearing masks
People with beards
People in wheelchairs, on bikes & skateboards
Babies being pushed in prams
Children on bicylces and push scooters
People jogging, jumping, dancing
People who differ significantly in appearance
People with headgear
Disabled and infirm (walking sticks,frames etc)
Confident/loud people
Quiet and reserved people
Veterinary practice staff
Grooming parlour staff
Delivery people - milkman, postman
Interaction with new people in your home, outside of your home and at busy places like markets, shopping centers, sports fields, sporting events, restaurants
Other dogs - social adult dogs as well as other puppies
Other domestic pets and Livestock
Activities to accept
Walking with restraint e.g. lead or harness
Nail clipping
Medical examination
Being left alone
Travelling in the car